About Us

Comprehensive Hotel Management Solutions

Business Development & Advisory

Site identification & validation, Financial projections, Brand selection, Franchise agreement negotiations, Brand development.

Design & Construction & Preopening

Area program, Design reviews, Site visits & mock-up, rooms reviews, Bill of quantities for operating & equipment, Property improvement plan, Brand compliance, Pre-opening, comprehensive tool kit, Business plan development, IT & systems set-up, Assistance with snagging, testing & commissioning, Sales & marketing plan.

Takeover & Turnaround

Takeover comprehensive tool kit, Audit of existing operation, Assessment of team performance, Identification of sales & marketing opportunities, Review of service standards, Review of online presence & strategy, Review of internal audit processes, Turnaround & takeover plan.

HR & Training

Development of appropriate & dynamic, staff matrix, Recruiting of highest caliber GM & HODs, Leadership development programs, On-the-job training programs, Employee reward programs.

Business Development & Sales & Marketing

Financial projections, Brand selection, Franchise agreement negotiations, Brand development, Strategic sales planning, Performance benchmarking, Review of sales incentive schemes, Brand guidelines & marketing comms plan, Digital marketing & social, media support, Online distribution audits, Channel mix management.

Revenue Management & Accounting

Data analytics & advanced data processing, Diagnostic & prescriptive analytics, Optimization of distribution channels & systems, Pricing, segmentation, sales analytics & reporting, Best practices & processes for data security, Data driven decision making approach, Set-up of accounting systems, Internal audits, Forecasting & budgeting, Cash flow management, Periodical reporting.


DNA Hotel Improvement Plans

DNA Hotel Management’s new master plan builds upon the foundation of enhancing guest experiences, operational efficiency, infrastructure, branding, and community engagement. The plan includes integrating advanced technology, creating thematic experiences, prioritizing sustainability, promoting health and wellness, and deepening community partnerships. This comprehensive approach aims to set new standards in hospitality while delighting guests, fostering sustainability, and supporting local communities.



We specialize in overseeing all aspects of hotel operations, from site selection and brand positioning to technical assistance, pre-opening preparations, and ongoing day-today management.

Our seasoned team provides strategic guidance throughout the development process, leveraging industry insights and market analysis to optimize performance and maximize profitability.

With a relentless focus on excellence, we streamline operations, enhance guest experiences, and drive sustainable growth, setting new standards of quality and service in the hospitality industry.

Recognizing the unique needs of each property, we tailor our services to align with your vision, objectives, and brand identity, ensuring a personalized approach that delivers exceptional results.

Our commitment extends beyond the initial launch, as we provide ongoing support, innovative solutions, and proactive management strategies to ensure long-term success and profitability.